Shimano Sedona 2500 FD Spinning Reel Review – 2019

Enhanced Casting Propulsion – The Shimano Sedona FD 

2019 Shimano Sedona 2500 Side View

And their cast doesn’t fall short with the Sedona FD. In fact, the Shimano Sedona FD was engineered specifically with casting in mind. The Sedona FD features a technology created and known by Shimano as the Propulsion Line Management System. Similar to the KastKing Sharky II’s power launch lip, the Sedona FD has what Shimano calls a propulsion spool lip design. This technology provides an extremely effective release of line off the spool while casting. This results is longer casts while also minimizing spool tangles and wind knots in your line. Once we unlock the Sedona’s other key features and take a look at the price, you’ll see it’s a reel not easily cast aside.

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Shimano Sedona FD Specifications & Models

• SE500FD
• SE1000FD
• SE2500FD
• SE4000FD

The Sedona line offers relatively light weight reels that can cover a fair amount of a fishermen’s needs. The SE500FD starts with a monofilament capacity as light as 2 pounds, and will hold 190 yards of it. At its heavier end the SE4000FD can hold 200 yards of 10 pound mono. The reel ratios change among the models with the SE500 having the least at 4.7 turns to 1. The SE1000 and Shimano Sedona 2500 both have a reel ratio of 6.2 to 1. Interestingly, the SE4000 being the largest model drops a bit in reel ratio at 5.7 to 1. All 4 models are built with 4 shielded stainless steel ball bearings, and 1 anti reverse bearing.

Key Features

• Propulsion Line Management System – The biggest highlight of the Sedona line. Several technologies bring this system together.

• Propulsion Spool Lip – Time tested design concentrates on how the line flows off the lip of the spool, achieving minimun resistance.

• Power Roller III – Another advancement in science. The power roller guides the line back onto the spool evenly by reducing twist. This results in smooth casting without the line twisting over on itself.

• Fluidrive II & Dyna Balanced Rotor Gear System – This technology keeps the spool balanced. Some reels might wobble on the retrieve, especially under the strain of a fighting fish! The balanced retrieve also replaces the line evenly on the spool, making for repeated quality casts.

• 4 Shielded Stainless Steel Bearings – Stainless steel always helps keep the rust away. The shield reduces salt or grit that might potentially enter and destroy the bearings. Pretty useful in a saltwater environment.

• 1 Anti Reverse Bearing – Puts down the full hammer of rod and reel when setting the hook. They’ll be no back play here.

• Cold Forged Aluminum Spool – Stronger and sturdier than typical aluminum or graphite spools.

Shimano boasts a front drag system in the Sedona (thus the FD in the name), which compliments its Propulsion Line Management System to complete the value of this reel. The shielded bearings make it a reel that can be brought out for fresh or saltwater use. For just a few more dollars, the Sedona FD 2500 is a step up from reels such as the Diawa Legalis.

See Full Specs

Ending Thoughts


There’s three benefits of this reel that stand out to me.
First, as any fisherman does over the years I’ve really gained an appreciation for line control and awareness. The Sedona FD’s power roller, fluidrive, and dyna balanced rotor gear systems exhibit incredible control in putting the line back on the reel. Line awareness will remain solely up to each fisherman.
Second, although long distance casting is not always an angler’s best friend, I loathe fishing a reel that doesn’t offer it. I’ve been in situations where a long cast is required to reach the fish, and it’s excruciating when your best toss falls just short. The Sedona’s propulsion spool lip may very well give you the few extra yards you need.
Third, the price. Any reel that offers the qualities seen here at under $100.00 is worth taking a second, or even third look at.


I see two obvious hang ups with Shimano’s Sedona FD line of reels.
The range of model sizes offered is fair at best. The SE500FD can hold 2 pound test which covers the light end just fine. The fact that 10 pound mono is the best the top model SE4000FD can hold is a bit wanting. I’d keep it to an inshore saltwater reel, and find an alternate for larger freshwater game fish.
The second drawback is the usual kind of one you’d hear from any mass produced technical product. There are a small number of consumer reviews claiming that the crank has sticking issues after a short amount of use. I wonder how many of these are due to improper maintenance, but I don’t doubt that some are legitimate. This is the kind of thing you shouldn’t see in more expensive spinning reels.


Take an angler that fishes the lure almost exclusively. One that targets freshwater bass, or inland coastal saltwater species like croaker and halibut. Then show him the Shimano Sedona FD spinning reel and it becomes an almost must have. It’s attention to casting makes it an obvious choice for the lure throwing angler. The finesse of line control will allow repeated casting without eventual line trouble. The lower price point makes it an easy reel to add to any angler’s arsenal.

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